Build a Drone!


Things have been a bit slow here at the blog with a lot of things happening at work and the fact that I'm not also very excited to be writing a monthly column about multi-rotors in Servo Magazine! Not to worry though, I've still got some excellent projects queued up for the blog, including one that has currently filled my living room with sawdust.

In this post, I wanted to share with you a video of the drone I scratch built flying around and encourage you to follow along and build it as well! The entire project cost about $350 and produced a really nice and versatile platform that I'm going to be adding instruments to, as well as GPS, telemetry, etc. The May issue of Servo featured the monthly column introduction on the cover! That column talks about FAA rules and how to get registered. The following columns are going to go through building the drone, step by step. We'll start off with the airframe, then move on to adding electronics, setting up the flight controller, and finally flying under manual and computer control. We already have other articles planned that include reviewing commercially available quads, as well as hardware hacking them for new functionality.  If you like the blog, you might like to follow that series of articles as well!

One response to “Build a Drone!

  1. Pingback: Adding FPV to your Drone | John R. Leeman

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