This is the first in a series of posts I'll be writing about my experience at the new Bartell field camp. This camp will serve as the base for summer geology/geophysics students. Geologists will be here 5 weeks, geophysicists 3 weeks. I arrived early to setup computer equipment and help get things going around the place.

I arrived Wednesday and unloaded the server, 10 laptops, associated wiring/network components, and my field gear. More on the setup in the next post when we have internet and the rest of the network up and running.
The first night here the freshman field trip was also at camp, spending the night before departing to Dalhart, TX. We all hooked up the projector, hung a sheet, and had a movie night in the dining hall (complete with popcorn). The movie was 2012, one of the better geological comedies if you ask anybody there.
The camp site is beautiful and my cabin is at the top, affording the best view. This view comes at the price of walking a VERY steep trail, and at 6,200 ft. it's easy to get a bit winded. After a couple days it is not a problem though.

So far the weather has been very cool and rainy in town, but fairly dry up at camp. It's hit freezing at night making a sleeping bag necessary in the cabins. The peaks off in the distance are still snow covered, but today were obscured by rain shafts.

Stay tuned for a tech update tomorrow and then the arrival of the rest of the crew on Sunday. The next few weeks should brings lots of interesting field work and interesting results.
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