Just a very short follow up about my previous ABS post. I was able to paint the part with a brush and some IKEA BEHANDLA Glazing paint. This is the paint I used on my pine night-stands in 2012, so it is a little old, but it did the trick. The smooth surface on the bottom of the stand didn't hold paint very well, but that's okay. The textured sides where the printer slowly built up the part gave lots of surface area to color and it looks like it belongs. Happy accident, but worth remembering if you want a fake wood texture. You could even expose different parts of the roll of plastic intentionally for a very interesting color pattern, but go easy or you may hurt the plastic's integrity.
While researching about ABS damage from UV exposure, I found out that there are now UV sensitive plastic filaments available. The world of 3D printing moves very fast and I was apparently not up to speed on some of the new materials that are out there. Below is a video of the filament being exposed (not me or my filament obviously).